Population: approx. 3,137,000
(15 % locals, 85 % people from over 200 nations worldwide)
Dubai is a fascinating city that captivates every visitor. What are the reasons for investing in Dubai?
(15 % locals, 85 % people from over 200 nations worldwide)
Arabic, English
300 days of sunshine a year, subtropical
based on economic freedom, Dubai as the “City of Merchants” and regional center of the entire Middle East for business, investment and infrastructure
Third-largest airport by passenger volume, tenth-largest port by container throughput
Highest number of skyscrapers in the world with a height of over 300 m, tallest building in the world (Burj Khalifa, 828 m)
UAE dirham; AED (1 EUR = 3.97 AED, as of October 2024)
GMT+4 (time difference from Germany +2 hours)
Very low crime rate, one of the safest cities in the world
Modern medical care system, well-developed school system
With a few answers, we can better understand what is important to you when investing in Dubai – send us the form and we will contact you with customized offers!